Spring inspection checklist for your Maryland home can identify problems that have been hidden all winter

It’s Spring time here in Maryland.

Heavy rain… hurricane force winds… sun… snow… cold temps in the mid 30s… and the very next day it’s hot, in the 80s.

Over the long winter, the weather can certainly wreak havoc to your home, causing all sorts of damage.

But if you spend a little time to inspect it, you can find most problems and get them fixed BEFORE they become more serious and expensive issues.

So here are some of the things you should check for…

Missing Roofing Shingles
Missing shingles should be replaced immediately

 Damaged or leaking gutters and downspouts

Check for broken, missing, or leaking gutters and broken or plugged up downspouts. These can let torrents of rain water go exactly where you don’t want it, causing flooded basements or washed out landscaping.

Leaking or damaged roofing materials or shingles

Heavy winds blow shingles right off your roof. Winter ice dams can tear gutters right off your house, and possible created inside leaks. Also check for curling or damaged shingles and damaged flashing. Hail can also cause damage that’s tricky to see unless you know what you’re looking for. Take care of these issues quickly before they turn into major repairs.


Leaking skylights

We’ve had reports of improperly installed skylights literally blowing off the roof from high winds and torrential rains,. Not to mention leaks forcing people to be on 24hr bucket patrol to catch the leaks from inside. What a pain in the butt. Do yours leak?

Old or damaged windows

Check your windows and trim for rot or mold. Is it hard to open and close them? Did it feel like the wind was blowing inside your home on those cold, windy winter days? Got broken or cracked glass? Maybe it’s time for a checkup…

Damaged siding

Look for damaged or missing siding. Believe it or not, siding can blow off during a bad storm, and when it’s missing, it becomes the perfect place for water and moisture to accumulate in the walls. Not good!

This isn’t meant to be a comprehensive checklist… Just a starting point for your spring time home checkup.

Be safe if and when you’re up on a ladder, and if you’d feel more comfortable, give me a call to schedule a free, no-obligation analysis on any of the above items.

And Happy Spring!!

Summer will be here before you know it.

If you have any questions, or want to schedule your
free, no-obligation inspection,
call Kim at 301-368-3551

On Top Home Improvements, Inc.
10818 Avonlea Ridge Place
Damascus, MD 20872
Tel: 301-368-3551
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